Monday, August 19, 2013

Post-Grad Dilemmas

Everyday Is Like Sunday, which is named after a Morrissey song, is a breath of fresh air. It's about a depressed post-graduate, who is trying to find a job, and his roommates, a couple whose relationship is on the rocks. Its portrayal is free of the condescension and use of stereotypes that are so prevalent elsewhere. Instead, it attempts to honestly portray the characters with depth and generosity, with the end result being somewhere between Cassavetes and Curb Your Enthusiasm. The performances by its lead actors David Dineen-Porter, Adam Gurfinkel, and Coral Osborne are all really good (especially considering none of them are professional), and the local Toronto settings - whether a shared apartment, a park, or one of the city's many bars - provide a social setting for the actors to respond to. Its short-comings are typical of many independent features (e.g. awkward ADR, dramatic annoyances) and one can talk about its production problems, but it is the positive qualities that outweigh the faults. After a sold-out premiere at the Carlton, its great after-party, and positive reception in the local press, the point is that Everyday Is Like Sunday is a film that got noticed and its director Pavan Moondi is someone to look out for. With Every Day is Like Sunday the Toronto DIY now has its Heartbeats.

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